Assessment 3: Deploy the website using an appropriate method.

After completing the website building, the next step was to deploy the site from local machine to other deployment options. I have decided to go for Heroku which is cloud service provider. The reason why I chose Heroku is because it was available for me for free for 1 year because of the student packageContinue reading “Assessment 3: Deploy the website using an appropriate method.”

Assessment 3: Implement and demonstrate at least three different types of account in the website, for example, an Administrator style account, an Editor style account, an Author style account, a Contributor style account, and or a Subscriber style account.

To make the site secure and distribute the authority over the site and its content, WordPress offers 5 different types of user roles by default. These 5 user roles have different permissions and access to the site and each of them are described as below: Administrator: This role is the most powerful user role asContinue reading “Assessment 3: Implement and demonstrate at least three different types of account in the website, for example, an Administrator style account, an Editor style account, an Author style account, a Contributor style account, and or a Subscriber style account.”

Assessment 3: Implementing code within a library from a framework using jQuery or similar.

For this part of the Assignment, first I edited the .php file where I entered the enqueue function so that the site could read the jQuery codes. After that I went to the post- Meditation of the website and I entered the code which contains jQuery scripts in it to use the jQuery UI calledContinue reading “Assessment 3: Implementing code within a library from a framework using jQuery or similar.”

Assessment 3: Extra Marks for Implement code from different framework/Library

For this task, I have done the following things to complete it. I entered the following codes in the HTML text field in the post , High Class Laboratory and I published the post. The following codes let me set up a slider in the post with the help of Javascript. Therefore, I was ableContinue reading “Assessment 3: Extra Marks for Implement code from different framework/Library”

Assessment 3: Implement page layout and style with the CSS /HTML /JavaScript Framework / Bootstrap.

In order to complete this task, I created a Sign up page in the so that users can create an account and login to book an appointment or buy products. There was no Sign Up page set by default. In order to create a login page, I checked on few sample template for created usingContinue reading “Assessment 3: Implement page layout and style with the CSS /HTML /JavaScript Framework / Bootstrap.”

Assessment 3: Add file upload.

Since it was a functional requirement to add Upload of files ‐ these need to be managed for security purposes (scanned for viruses etc.). I have set up the file upload feature in the website. Before: This feature was not installed by default. So there was nothing set up for this. After: I tried addingContinue reading “Assessment 3: Add file upload.”

Assessment 3: Add Social Media linking

For the purpose of the assignment, I installed the plugin called Social Media Share Button & Social Sharing. The reason is because this plugin provides options to connect to some of the social media sites that are not accessible in other social media plugins. Therefore, I have installed this plugin. The users are happy usingContinue reading “Assessment 3: Add Social Media linking”

Assessment 3: Add a Shop (PayPal).

Since, one of the requirements was to sell products, setting up a shop was required. Before: There was no shop set up. After: While I was researching best plugins for setting the shop, WooCommerce was at the top in the recommendation list, the services and extensions it provides and being able to use the PayPalContinue reading “Assessment 3: Add a Shop (PayPal).”

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