Week-5 Induction Process And Business Requirements

Hi guys, this week I had to go through the induction process at the company like most other workplaces and the IT Architect was in charge of my induction process. First,I had a one-on-one conversation with the IT Architect in which she explained to me what my roles are going to be, what level of changes I can make in the network, how trust is an important thing in the workplace,etc., after which she gave me the document that had my credentials to get access to my accounts, a map which consists of different floor layout with every departments and the respective staff members labelled in it. Then I was introduced to all the staff members in different department by her, showed me where the kitchens and toilets were and she took me to the server room to give a an overview of how the network was designed and how to perform daily check of the server room when I am in charge of it. Shortly after that I had to go through the process setting up my accounts by providing necessary details for the 2-factor authentication to get access to all the necessary programs that are related to work. We also had lunch time together with the IT team where I was able to get along well with my fellow colleagues and I had a good experience in settling well the work.

According to the website https://www.employment.govt.nz/starting-employment/hiring/induction/ , most of the requirements in the induction process checklist has been executed by the company during the induction.

Importance of Induction Process:

Having a proper induction process in an organisation is necessary to help the employee to settle into their position easily. This process also allows to set a good tone for the employees with their manager and the rest of the staff members in the organisation. The whole induction process creates a nice and welcoming environment for the new employee and it makes them feel supported and valued.

Other things that employee can gain out of this process are things such as information related to the organisation’s policies, practices and their standards, values, etc. According to the Employment New Zealand site (https://www.employment.govt.nz/starting-employment/hiring/induction/) having a poor induction process and orientation can increase the turnover of the employees and it would be a waste of time and money. Therefore it is highly recommended to have a proper induction process procedure in place for each organization.

Business Requirements

In this week, I have also started working on the project given to me which was researching about a software that can replace the current service desk software- Request Tracking. So to start with I had to get the list of basic requirements that the new product should meet, in order to be accepted and be implemented into the organization.

Below are some of the requirements that needs to be met by the new service desk software:

  • Ability to support all users’ requests in a timely manner. 
  • Users are easily able to request support and require relevant information such as username, device name and issue. 
  • Ability for anyone in the support team to pick up other team members tickets and continue where they left off with needing an update for the support team. 
  • Reports on key KPIs such as trending support requests, common incidents, or time to resolve. 
  • Integration into change management system for approval. (Power Bi) 
  • Ability for users to see an update on their support request. 
  • Enable integration with existing support tools. 
  • Ability to easily priories support requests and track overdue items. 
  • Not Linux based 
  • How would users request ticket? (do they have a website for help desk) 
  • What happens if the server is down

The next stage was researching and looking for a proper framework which I can use as a guide to complete the whole process. I will be talking about that in the next blog. Thank you.

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