Week-1 Installing Weave Ignite

Hi guys, for the first week, I went through the documentation of the Ignite product. It was available at https://github.com/weaveworks/ignite .

Weaveworks/ignite. (n.d.). GitHub. https://github.com/weaveworks/ignite

Before installing Ignite, I had to check each element of checklist such as installing Kubernetes, Docker, running some scripts to make the computer ready for installing Ignite.

After that I tried installing Ignite. Installing it took some days to work because at first I was trying to installing Apache Ignite which is a web server and it is a mistake to begin with. I thought that Weave Ignite and Apache Ignite were the same thing so I followed some YouTube videos to install Apache Ignite. After following the steps to set it up, I realized that the methods used for setting it up was incorrect and I was setting up the wrong thing.

So then I had to visit the official page and read the documentation (https://ignite.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation/) and follow it to install it. At the end, I was successfully able to install it in my computer.

Code to install Ignite:

export VERSION=v0.9.0
export GOARCH=$(go env GOARCH 2>/dev/null || echo "amd64")

for binary in ignite ignited; do
    echo "Installing ${binary}..."
    curl -sfLo ${binary} https://github.com/weaveworks/ignite/releases/download/${VERSION}/${binary}-${GOARCH}
    chmod +x ${binary}
    sudo mv ${binary} /usr/local/bin

To confirm that Ignite has been installed, I ran the below code:

$ ignite version

That’s all for this week. Thank you.

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