Assessment 3: Implement and demonstrate at least three different types of account in the website, for example, an Administrator style account, an Editor style account, an Author style account, a Contributor style account, and or a Subscriber style account.

To make the site secure and distribute the authority over the site and its content, WordPress offers 5 different types of user roles by default. These 5 user roles have different permissions and access to the site and each of them are described as below:

  • Administrator: This role is the most powerful user role as it allows the user to add, edit or delete theirs or others post. This type of users can assign different roles to different users, can install, delete or edit themes and plugins. This type of role should be assigned only to very few people such as the owner of the site, IT administrator, etc., as it gives the user full control over the site.
  • Editor: This role has similar features to that of Administrator as it allows the user to create, edit, delete and publish theirs and other users post. Because this type of user roles is given to users to just have control over the content of the site, they cannot add new users, install or delete themes and plugins, or change the settings of the website.
  • Author: A user with this role can create, edit, publish and delete their posts only. These group of users cannot access the site settings, work on themes or plugins and they can’t create categories or change the layout the site. While publishing the post, the authors can add tags to the post and choose an existing category created by the higher-level user roles.
  • Contributor: This type of role allows users to only add and edit their posts and use the existing category or add tags to the post. They can’t publish their posts, upload files such as images and videos in their post, approve or delete any comments, access the setting of the site, etc. Therefor we can say that their role is just to add or edit the posts that they created.
  • Subscriber: This user role has the least privileges. Users having this role can only view the contents the website and they can update their profiles and change their password. Aside from that they don’t have dashboard like other users role have and they don’t have permission to add posts, change settings, etc.

Below is the list of users that I have created for the website:

Administrator Account: (username: admin2)
Author Account: (username: assistantmanager)
Editor Account: (username: projectmanager)
Subscriber Account: (username: customer)

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