Assessment 3: Add Social Media linking

For the purpose of the assignment, I installed the plugin called Social Media Share Button & Social Sharing. The reason is because this plugin provides options to connect to some of the social media sites that are not accessible in other social media plugins. Therefore, I have installed this plugin. The users are happy using this plugin, which is why this product have lots of good reviews and feedbacks.


There was no Social Media linking


After installing and activating it, I went to the Dashboard > Appearance > Customise > Menus, to setup a menu for social media. From there I added different social media that were required as items and then in each item, I have entered the URL to link it to the website.

After setting that up, we can now see the socail media icons on the right side of the navigation menu. And when we click on it, it will take us to the website whose url was entered earlier.

Therefore the socail media icons were added successfully to the website’s navigation menu and it is functional too.

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