Assessment 3: Add file upload.

Since it was a functional requirement to add Upload of files ‐ these need to be managed for security purposes (scanned for viruses etc.). I have set up the file upload feature in the website.


This feature was not installed by default. So there was nothing set up for this.


I tried adding the upload functionality into the forms through WPForms, but it didnot allow me to do that because I had to buy the paid version and get the feature unlock.

Then I researched in net for other free plugins that could allow me to set it up. I can across one plugin which is called WordPress File Upload. This plugin is free and it helped me to set up a file upload section in a page. I named the page as Upload File and it is set under the main page, My Account. Once user uploads the files, I can then access the uploaded file from the Dashboard > Uploaded Files section.

And thats how I was able to create a file upload section in the website to meet the requirements.

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