Blog-5: My choice of ITSM framework for the Assignment


For Assignment 2 of NET701, the scenario we had was implementing AI at the help desk of the organization. After researching both ITIL and COBIT frameworks, looking at the business requirements, and then comparing both of these frameworks, we ended up deciding that the ITIL framework is the winner and therefore ITIL is my choice of framework for assignment 2 projects. Below are some of the reasons that lead to this conclusion.

  1. There are a lot of open-source resources such as case studies related to the ITIL framework which helped us a lot to understand how it works and could be used as a reference when we are going to implement AI into the help desk of the company. When we looked for resources related to the COBIT framework, it was hard finding them and most of the documentation related to COBIT can be explored after buying it from the vendor.
  2. When comparing ITIL and COBIT, there are fewer processes in ITIL and all of these services are strongly focusing on delivering the IT services with low risks which is really what we need for this scenario. COBIT, on the other hand, is detailed and structured well but it has a lot of processes that might not be needed necessarily for each scenario. Thus if we start choosing processes and if we miss something out which is crucial for the system, we might end up implementing AI to the system in a wrong way which would cost us time, resources, correcting the mistakes, etc.
  3. ITIL is more about service management and COBIT is more about governance and service management. Since at this point we don’t need the governance processes/services, by far, the ITIL framework would be suitable for the given scenario.

There are a few other minor reasons, but the ones mentioned above the major factors that lead to the conclusion of selecting the ITIL framework as my/our choice of framework. In case, if it were a situation that the task needed to be done was a bigger project for a bigger enterprise, I would then try to use both of them together. COBIT in those cases will be used to gather information and requirements on what needs to be done, whereas, ITIL framework would then be used to look into how the product can be implemented into the system and look for a solution. Thus, by combining both these frameworks this way the result produced will be of better and high quality.

Thats all for this blog. I hope you enjoyed reading all the blogs and thanks for following me to read my blogs.

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