LAB 8: Accessing iSCSI Storage

Inorder to access the iSCSI Storage, we need to setup a VMkernel Port Group to a Standard Switch and then we need to configure the iSCSI Software Adaptor and connect it to the Storage.

Task 1: Add a VMkernel Port Group to a Standard Switch

First I selected the VMkernel adapter which can be found in the configure tab. After that I clicked on “Add Networking Host” where I selected the vSwitch1 which was created in the previous lab. After that, I entered an IP address for the adaptor and finished configuring the adaptor. By following the above steps I was able to add the adaptor to the list.

Task 2: Configure the iSCSI Software Adapter and Connect It to the Storage

In this task we are configuring the software adapter. To do that I clicked on the Configure section and selected the “Add Software Adapter” option. In the Add Software Adapter wizard, the Software iSCSI adapter will be selected by default and I created the adapter. This new adapter gets added to the list of Storage adapters.

The next step was to bind the Software adapter with the VMkernel adapter which can be configured easily through the Network Port Binding tab. At first I was unable to find this tab which is why I was unable to complete this task completely. But then I checked a blog written by Jayden Dearnley ( ) where he had the same issue and the solution to the problem was changing the resolution of the screen. This really fixed the problem and I could successfully bind the 2 types of adapters together and complete the task.

The values of the records that were asked to be noted in the manuel are as follow:

  • LUN number : Turns out to be 0
  • Capacity: Its 200GB
  • The operational status was attached
  • The hardware acceleration was not supported.

That all the VMware Labs I have done so far. I hope you enjoyed reading the blogs till now. And thank you for reading my blogs.

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