LAB 6: Creating Folders in vCenter Server Appliance

Hello everyone. In todays blog I will show you how to create 2 types of folder so that we can complete the tasks Lab 6 of VMware vSphere.

Task 1: Create a Host and Cluster Folder

For this task, first, I right clicked on the datacenter and selected the “New Folder” option to create a new folder. From there I selected “New Host and Cluster Folder” as the type of folder that I wanted to create and I named it as “Host”.

After that all I had to do is drag and drop the ESXi host into the folder. During this drag and drop process you will notice that when you hover over the folder, the side of mouse pointer turns green which mean it can go to that folder. After dropping the host into the folder, the last left to do is to check the Recent task drop up menu at the footer which will display the task “Move entities” as completed. If it shows completed then you task was successful.

Since I had 2 ESXi hosts, I created 2 folders each for am ESXi host.

Task 2: Create Virtual Machine and Template Folders

To create the Virtual machines and Template folders the process is kind of similar to that of creating a Host and Cluster folder. For this task, I right clicked on the datacenter and selected the “New Folder” option to create a new folder. From there I selected “New VM and Template Folder” as the type of folder that I wanted to create. Then I created a folder named “General Templates” were I dragged and dropped the ESXi hosts and then I checked the Resent task section to confirm if the task has been completed and it said that “Move entities” was completed. And that’s how this task was completed.

What is the difference between the menu commands in the drop-down menus of the Host folder and the General Templates folder?

Since Host folder is a Host and Cluster folder, when we right click on the folder we can see that the dropdown menu allows user to have the option of “Add Host”, “New Cluster”, etc.

In case of General Templates folder, it is a Virtual Machine and Template folder. So when we right click on the folder from the drop down menu we get the option of “New Virtual Machine”, “Deploy OVF Template”, etc.

Therefore we conclude by saying that Host folder allows user to add host and create new clusters in the folder whereas, in the General Templates folder, the user can create new virtual machines and they can even deploy the OVF template.

Thank you for reading the blog.

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