RES701- Blog 9 “Reviewing all RES701 Students’ Blogs”

For this blog, the main task is to identify and select whose blogs were useful among the students studying in RES701 class.

First of all I would like to say that after reading everyone’s blog, I found them quite educative and informative. The students who stood out the most for their bloggings are:

  • Callum
  • Erik
  • Jason

Callum’s blogs are always elaborated, informative and easy to understand. His previous blog which was about the questions from the google doc., was a useful guide for me when I was stuck in answering my questions in the google doc. In case of Erik, I can say I am impressed by his blogging. His blogging are entertaining to read. Regarding Jason, his blogs are presentable, informative and pleasing to the eye. He included relevant pictures, quotes, etc., which supports his ideas and explanations.

I enjoyed reading everyone’s blogs and it was quite interesting to see how everyone presented the blogs differently even though we had the same topics. I learned alot from this blog activity and I am looking forward to implement few things for my blogs next time.

Thank you.

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