RES701-Blog 8 “Reviewing a post in Google Docs”

Hi, in this blog I will be reviewing the answers that Max Adams have provided to the questions in the google doc and summaries them below.

By looking at the post, it is clear that Max is interested about how IT product and machines that can be used to improve the physical conditions of laborers working in an industry. He is well aware that there are many construction companies uses IT technology and they got sued for using it too.

He proposed some interesting questions such as “How much is IT affecting the building industry?”, “Which areas need IT the most?”, etc. and also how he is planning to research about them and answer these question. He has described well how he is going to research and answer these questions provided it looks like he has put some thought into this topic and that the method he have suggested seems achievable. Based on the questions he mentioned earlier, he seemed to choose the title for his project as “The current effects of Information Technology on the different roles of construction workers in the Nelson region.”

At the end of the post, he mentions that, people assume introducing IT to construction companies can take over the job of employees working there. Therefore, he decided to look into this matter and find out the advantages and disadvantages of introducing IT in such companies and confirm whether it is an ethical issue or not. He also mentions about the copyrights and copyleft. For the purpose of the project, he agrees that if any information used for his research, findings, recommendations, etc., were from someone else’s work, he will reference them properly and credit the authors in his research report/ article.

That’s all there was to the post and I wish him best of luck for his project.

7 thoughts on “RES701-Blog 8 “Reviewing a post in Google Docs”

  1. well what i think about technology is, it will keep moving forward to better our life whether some people want it or not. Sure it endangers the jobs of people but that’s the biggest and most common hurdle we face generation by generation.

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