RES701- Blog 6 “Academic Article Exercise for Assignment 2”

This blog is about answering the questions which are related to academic articles. After completing this activity, I learned how to look for articles for my assignment 2. Therefore this activity was really helpful.

Article 1: Gender difference and employees’ cybersecurity behaviors

Name of the Authors

Mohd Anwar, Wu He, Ivan Ash, Xiaohong Yuan, Ling Li and Li Xu.

APA reference:

Anwar, M., He, W., Ash, I., Yuan, X., Li, L., & Xu, L. (2017). Gender difference and employees’ cybersecurity behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior69, 437-443.

Keywords Used:

In Google Scholar, I used the keyword “Cyber security”.

About the Article

The article is about cyber security. It has been cited by 79 other articles or journals. There are 7 versions of this article available. Since the article has mentioned the name authors, abstract, introduction, findings, conclusion, recommendation , references and appendices, it can be considered an academic article.

URL of the article

Article 2: Cyber security awareness campaigns: Why do they fail to change behaviour?

Name of the Authors

Maria Bada, Angela M. Sasse, Jason R. C. Nurse

APA reference:

Bada, M., Sasse, A. M., & Nurse, J. R. (2019). Cyber security awareness campaigns: Why do they fail to change behaviour?. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.02672.

Keywords Used:

In Google Scholar, I used the keyword “Cyber security”.

About the Article

The article is about cyber security. It has been cited by 160 other articles or journals. There are 15 versions of this article available. Since the article has mentioned the name authors, where they studies and their email address. The article has an abstract, introduction, findings, conclusion, recommendation , and references it can be considered an academic article.

URL of the article

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