RES701- Blog 4 “Computational Thinking & Virtualisation Technology”

Last week we learned about research paradigm and I blogged about it in the previous blog. This week’s blog will be about answering the questions from the activity that was given in the class. The aim of the activity was to search about two topics and find information from different sources. By answering the questions, I leaned more about how to select a reliable, valid and credible website. Below are the answers from the activity:

Computational Thinking

Source 1:

  • When was it published?
    • February, 2011.
  • What kind of ‘publication’ it is?
    • It is a research article (from Magazine).
  • How much credible do I think it is?
    • In my opinion from 1 to 10 (1 is not credible, 10 is totally credible), I would rate it 10. The reasons are follow:
      • The article was found in Google Scholar which provides valid and trusted resources and information.
      • In the research report article, we can see that the names of all the authors are mentioned, the date when it was published is mentioned too and they referenced the sites/ sources from where they got this data from to conduct their research.
      • More than 400 people have cited the information from this article in their own research. It also covers most of the topics in depth and it is presented well which makes it readable and useful to use by others for their research purposes.

Source 2:

  • When was it published?
    • 8th May, 2018.
  • What kind of ‘publication’ it is?
    • It is a YouTube video.
  • How much credible do I think it is?
    • In my opinion from 1 to 10 (1 is not credible, 10 is totally credible), I would rate it 7. The reasons are follow:
      • The video is posted by Paxton Patterson which is a popular brand. They have their own website, where they frequently post a lot of videos which are related to studies. This video is an educational video for high school students. They have a lot of videos in the channel and more than 50k people have viewed this video.
      • In the description, they have mentioned and credited the name of the animator and the voice-over person.
      • The video provides the information which are not important to me, that’s why I have rated it 7 out of 10.

Source 3:

  • URL
  • Search term used
    • Computational Thinking
  • How did I find the Website?
    • I went to Google and typed the search term. Then I clicked the link in the first page and I landed on the website.
  • Name of the author
    • Not mentioned. It just mentions “From Wikipedia”.
  • When was it published?
    • Not mentioned. It only mentions the date when it was last modified which is, 16 April 2020.
  • What kind of ‘publication’ it is?
    • It is an article.
  • How much credible do I think it is?
    • In my opinion from 1 to 10 (1 is not credible, 10 is totally credible), I would rate it 4. The reason is because even though it is an article, the name of the author and the date of publication is not mentioned. The article had some useful information along with the some references. But since the article can be modified, it is no longer an original piece which is why it lost it credibility.

Virtualisation Technology

Source 1:

  • When was it published?
    • 2nd April, 2012.
  • What kind of ‘publication’ it is?
    • It is an article.
  • How much credible do I think it is?
    • In my opinion from 1 to 10 (1 is not credible, 10 is totally credible), I would rate it 7. The reasons are follow:
      • The article was found in Google Scholar which provides valid and trusted resources and information.
      • The names of all the authors are mentioned, the date when it was published is mentioned too and they referenced the sites/ sources from where they got this data from to conduct their research. This shows that their ideas are being backed-up by many other resources, therefore it is valid.
      • More than 150 people have viewed this article. It also covers most of the topics in depth and it is presented well which makes it readable and useful to use by others for their research purposes.
      • Since it was published in the year 2012, it is a bit outdated and that is why this article received lower rating.

Source 2:

  • When was it published?
    • June, 2018.
  • What kind of ‘publication’ it is?
    • It is a website blog.
  • How much credible do I think it is?
    • In my opinion from 1 to 10 (1 is not credible, 10 is totally credible), I would rate it 5. The reason is because the name of the author is not mentioned. The date of publication is mentioned and there are some useful information in the blog. Since there are no references to backup their statements and the names of the author is not mentioned, it lost its credibility.

Source 3:

  • When was it published?
    • It was published on 26th October 2017
  • What kind of ‘publication’ it is?
    • It is a web article.
  • How much credible do I think it is?
    • In my opinion from 1 to 10 (1 is not credible, 10 is totally credible), I would rate it 8. The site has the name of the author mentioned, the date it was published, describes the topic very well and the article is recent. The author is a principal and also an advisory who specializes in wireless networking and mobile computing which is why his blogs can be considered reliable as the topic falls under the category that he specializes in. Since there is no reference mentioned in the blog, that’s where it lost some of its credibility.

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