RES701- Blog 1 “Research”

Hello everyone. This is my first RES701 blog and the aim of this blog is to show my understanding in some areas related to research by answering the below questions:

  • What do you think ‘research’ is?
  • Do you think you will ever need research skills?
  • What do you think a research journal is and who is it written for?
  • What is plagiarism?
  • Why is it important to avoid it?

Lets start with the first question of what I think research is about. Research is the process where a person tries to search for information from different sources whether it is from articles, books, websites, journals, etc., to get all the necessary information that can be used to support their ideas or hypothesis. People sometimes do research to learn more about a topic in-depth to find out the pros and cons, use it for comparison with something else,etc. In my case, I do research for two purpose; for my assignments and because I am curious to know and learn new things.

For the second question, I know for sure that I will need research skills in order to complete my report in a professional manner and also use all the skill sets that I will learn in RES701 will be useful for my final year project when I will be doing primary research. Besides that, research skills will be needed in our every day-to-day life matters like when we want to buy something, planning to visit a place, booking an affordable hotel room, making plans for a date, etc. So it is quite handy to have those skills.

Regarding the third question, I did some research in Google and my conclusion after viewing 2 websites are, research journals are reports/ journals which records the aim, objectives, requirements, observations, conclusions done by the researchers while they were doing observation and researches relevant to their field of expertise. I think the readers of such journals are general public and people who are interested to know or learn something new related to the subject. For more information about the research journals check out those 2 websites which are mentioned below:

The last two questions which are related to plagiarism are answered below in this paragraph. Plagiarism is copying someone else work and submitting/ presenting it as your own work without referencing it back to the original author. It is important to avoid plagiarism because as a student it would leave a bad impression such as the person has not learned anything from the task given to student. It could even lead to failing the subject or maybe sometime expulsion. Aside for that its not a good thing to do because it effects the studies and also if the person is working in a business, it will have a bad effect in the business and the reputation of that person will be affected negatively too.

That’s all for this blog and I hope you enjoyed reading it and learned something new out of it. Thank you.

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