COM502- Blog Post 4: Teams and more Teams

In this blog we will talk about teams in general.

What makes an ineffective team?

  • Lack of communication
  • Having someone in team that does not input anything productive.
  • Having inactive members
  • Having a boss instead of a leader, etc.

What makes an effective team?

  • When all the members are active
  • Everyone completing the task at due dates and time
  • Supporting and helping other team members
  • Having a proper project management
  • Having a leader that can guide the team, etc.

Using the questions above, or any others that you can find, describe the effectiveness and efficiency of your team so far.

So far, since there are 5 members in the team, if=t is hard to have an effective team. Asti is performing well and active and the same goes to Muaz and Mitchell. It is hard to get all the members online at the same time when we were going group project because everyone has something important to do at that time. Aside from that my team is able to complete the tasks in time and I appreciate their input to the project.

How important is it to have an effective and efficient team in your
• the current class of COM502?

It is important because I want to get an A+ in this course and for that I need to have an effective group to complete the group project.

• overall certificate/diploma/degree programme?

It is not that important because major of my works are individual.

• potential future employment?

It is definitely important because the projects that are given has to be completed in group.

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