COM502- Blog Post 1: Observation

The subject of today’s blog is about observation. I was given a task which was to observe someone’s body language in a particular setting and mention what I found from observing.

So, the observation took place in the classroom and the participant was one of the classmates who was sitting beside me.  I was observing him for the whole period which is about 2 hours and based on my findings from the way how he was communicating, behavior, etc., I can say that the person was acting aggressively because he was trying to get his around a topic and did not give any chance for the teammates to provide their opinions on the matter. He was confident in what he was saying and every time when something comes up that was not done properly, and he thinks it could have been done better then he would just take the task and do it himself. This shows that he usually does not trust his teammates, likes to complete the task individually, etc. I was able to describe his behavior as aggressive because after reading the Communication Organisation and Innovation book for COM502, there was a section which was talking about 3 types of behaviors such as aggressive, passive and assertive, and explained each type in details.

2 thoughts on “COM502- Blog Post 1: Observation

    1. Actually, I used to be an aggressive guy just like you described above….since this is the era of collaboration we need to work together to push technology. So yeah teamwork is necessary and this behavior doesn’t help


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